Nakshatras in Astrology

Dhanishta Nakshatra in Astrology: Features, Padas, and Remedies

The two halves of the term Dhanishta are Dhan and Eshtha. Eshtha means proper, while Dhana represents prosperity. The word Dhanishta literally means “proper wealth.” One of the Urdhvamukhi Nakshatras in astrology is called Dhanishta Nakshatra (or the Nakshatras, which have their mouths upwards). Palaces, coronations, boundary walls, and lofty structures can all be started or performed in these Nakshatras with good fortune.

Mrudhangam as a symbol (Indian Drums)

Mardhala or Mrudhangam is the emblem for Dhanishta. Such a drum would be this. The sound of murdhangam indicates that a baby’s hearing is complete. A infant during this time also has a posture similar to Mrudhangam.

The Ashtavasu is a deity

The gods of Dhanishtha are Ashtavasu. The vasu deities serve as Vishnu’s attendant deities. They are 8 Gods of the elements. They consist of the Panchamahabhootha’s five components.

Range0⁰ – 13⁰ 20”
RashiAries (Mesha)
YogatharaSheraton or Beta Arietis
Apparent Magnitude2.64
Latitude8⁰ 29” 14’
Longitude10⁰ 06” 46’
Right ascension1h 54m 21.8s
Declination+20⁰ 47” 1’

Dhanishta Nakshatra characteristics in astrology

  • The Ashtavasus, or the eight Vasus, is the deity of the Dhanishta Nakshatra.
  • Vasu is the name for a light ray. Apah (Water), Dhruva (Pole Star), Dhara (Earth), Anila (Wind), Soma (Moon), Anala/Pavaka (Fire), Pratyusha (The Dawn), and Prabhasa are the eight vasus (Splendour).
  • The female lion is this Nakshatra’s yoni animal.
  • The pride’s main hunter is the female lion. A lion would only hunt for food on extremely rare occasions when he was by himself and starving. He cannot be observed running and killing a deer or a buffalo.
  • The leader, hunter, and provider of the pride is a female lion.
  • She is prepared to risk her life to save the group as a whole.
  • The male lions do have a responsibility to defend their territory, the pride, and the cubs.
  • Between nightfall and sunrise, the lioness is primarily hunted.
  • What a Dhanishta native is intended to do is similar to what a female lion does. No matter what one’s gender or sex, they take on the role of the hunter or the primary provider.
  • They are aggressive, bold, and protective. The small children will always be safeguarded by the spouse of a Dhanishta native.
  • Flute and drums are associated with this Nakshatra, indicating that inhabitants of this sign are constantly skilled in playing an instrument.
  • The rhythm of life is another meaning of the symbol.
  • Any rhythmic pattern, the flow or vibration of life, or even the rhythm of nerves, might serve as the source.
  • Because the pulse is the rhythm of our prana (breath), our life, it may be observed that many persons born under this Nakshatra become excellent pulse readers. As a result, Dhanishta natives can become excellent doctors.
  • The Gods of Abundance known as Ashtavasus bring wealth and success to the earth plane in the form of gold, jewellery, land, and other similar things.
  • The Ashtavasus can be linked to the eight spatial directions and can allude to Vastushastra.
  • This Nakshatra’s lioness is associated with Narasimhi, the spouse of Narasimha the avatar and one of the eight mother goddesses, or Ashta Matrikas.
  • Her quaking mane might wreak havoc on the planets and stars.
  • She was created to appease the Mars-connected Lord Narasimha, who was created to save his follower Prahlada from the demon King Hiranyakashipu.
  • Because Bhishma was an incarnation of Prabhasa, one of the ashtavasus, a key figure in the Mahabharata, he could also be linked to this Nakshatra.
  • Due to his theft of a cow with the assistance of his siblings (other Ashtavsus), Prabhasa was cursed by the sage Vashishtha to be born as a mortal on Earth.
  • Later, Vashishtha lessened the effects of his curse by permitting all Ashtavsus—except for Prabhasa—to depart from the mortal realm within a year.
  • The river goddess Ganga vowed to assist Ashtavasus.
  • She agreed to marry King Shantanu as long as he never spoke to her negatively.
  • Goddess Ganga drowned the seven offspring, or the seven Ashtavasus born to her, in the river.
  • When the eighth kid was born, Shantanu was unable to handle it and resisted his wife, who left him right away while reminding him of his commitment.
  • The name Devarata was given to the eighth son, Prabhasa, who eventually took the mortal form of Bhishma.
  • Bhishma gave the guilt-ridden Yudhishthira the Vishnu sahasranama on his deathbed of arrows because he had participated in the Mahabharata, which had killed and destroyed countless people.
  • Bhishma was able to choose his time of death and left the planet when the sun began to move northward, or Uttarayana.
  • Since the word “Dhanishtha” carries the meaning “Dhan,” which literally translates to “wealth,” themes relating to riches may be present.
  • Additionally, the Delphinus constellation, which resembles a diamond in the sky, is formed from the stars of Dhanishta Nakshatra.
  • Because the Vasus—including Agni (fire), Vayu (wind), and others—aided Lord Indra in his battle with the demons, this Nakshatra can also be a sign of conflict, struggle, and rivalry in a person’s life.
  • The most significant portion of Bhishma’s mythology may not be appropriate for all readers, especially younger ladies.
  • Both miscarriages and abortions are brought on by this nakshatra.
  • Numerous charts with the Moon in Dhanishta depict mothers who experience miscarriages, or in the case of a female, a native who experienced a miscarriage.
  • Aspects of Jupiter on the Moon or the fifth house may partially mitigate effects and reduce the likelihood of such occurrences.
  • Every time a woman miscarries, she should be aware that a spiritual being—a yogi, a saint, etc.—was attempting to enter the womb in order to fulfil their karma and depart for the astral realm.
  • There is a small silver lining in that the native woman was giving birth to a renowned yogi.
  • This Nakshatra has a close relationship to Bhishma Pitamaha from the Mahabharata.
  • The most feared and powerful warrior in the Mahabharata was Bhishma.
  • He was the opponent who even his mentor Parshurama was unable to vanquish before being overpowered by his nephew Arjuna.
  • Land, real estate, and particularly Vastushastra are also associated with Dhanishtha.
  • Natives of Dhanishtha are involved in real estate or own numerous investment properties.
  • They all had Vastu dosha in their homes, which is when the floor plan, objects, or colour are out of alignment and generating some kind of discord. This was the one significant exception to the general lack of interest in Vastu.
  • Bhishma received permission from his father Shantanu to choose the moment of his death, and despite Arjun repeatedly shooting arrows into his body, he managed to survive till the war was over.
  • It is evident from Bhishma’s life that Dhanishtha inhabitants are tranquil and only cause terror when provoked.
  • Once in their lives, they always engage in combat training and fighting.
  • All ages of Dhanishtha residents like boxing, UFC fights, and wrestling, but they also frequently report having extraterrestrial encounters with celestial entities.
  • Marriage will also carry significant karma for Dhanishtha natives.
  • They either don’t want to get married or they want to get married/be in a relationship so badly that they attract partners despite the lack of security in the relationship.
  • In their daily lives, they will also have to engage in a significant battle, whether it be with society, the law, or another individual.
  • Spread from 6’40” in Aquarius to 23’20” in Capricorn (Makar) (Kumbha).
  • The god of this star is Vasu. It bestows prosperity, priceless objects, gold, grandeur, and other desirable qualities.
  • Ganga is the ancestor of Asthavasu. These Gods’ virtues are connected to this star.
  • Due to their inadequate sexual prowess, natives born beneath this star are resentful towards women.
  • The native will have poor sexual ability. It should be mentioned that Shani is a eunuch.
  • The native of the star rarely marries or finds marriage challenging; even when he does, his marriage is rarely joyful.

In a Vedic astrology treatise, Dhanishta Nakshatra is described.

  • The native with Dhanishta as their birth nakshatra will be wealthy, liberal in their charitable giving, brave, lose their spouse, be happy abroad, be a liar, be talkative, and enjoy dancing and singing, according to Hora Sara.
  • Jataka Parijata claims that a person born under the star Dhanishta will be gullible, prosperous, chubby around the thighs and neck, and happy.
  • According to Sage Narada, a person born in Dhanishta will be generous, addicted to vices, frugal, and fond of dance, songs, and women. He or she will also only be able to complete their tasks through peace, be magnificent, and heroic.
  • According to the Brihat Samhita, taking Star Dhanishta makes one generous, valiant, prosperous, materialistic, and musically inclined.

Description of the Dhanishta Nakshatra Pada

First Pada of Dhanishta Nakshatra:

  • Leo Navamsa rules the first pada of the Dhanishta Nakshatra (Governed by Sun).
  • The native born in the first pada of the Dhanishta Nakshatra will be intelligent, ambitious, and drawn to success and the accomplishment of tasks and objectives.
  • People born under the first pada of the Dhanishta Nakshatra have a large frame and speak frequently. They continue the king’s works and make competent managers. They are brave and always successful. They are blessed with a large family and enjoy life. They are scared, dim-witted, and oversleepers.

Second Pada of Dhanishta Nakshatra:

  • Dhanishta Nakshatra’s second pada is regulated by the Virgo Navamsa (Governed by Mercury).
  • The person born under the second pada of the Dhanishta Nakshatra will be intelligent and crafty, committed to their work, dependable, and realistic. He will have a strong work ethic, a strong sense of spirituality, be outgoing, adaptable to life, open to new ideas and concepts, and have good hand-eye coordination. The locals have the potential to excel as scientists, engineers, inventors, and athletes with their hands.
  • Second-pada Dhanishta Nakshatra natives are submissive and soft-spoken. They are learned and transact many things. They are intelligent, earn a lot of money, and work for the government. They are well-suited to both joy and adversity, and the educated adore them.

Third Pada of Dhanishta Nakshatra

  • The Libra Navamsa rules the third pada of the Dhanishta Nakshatra (Governed by Venus).
  • The native born under the influence of the third pada of the Dhanishta Nakshatra would be drawn to the enjoyment of social activity, spiritual interactions, and group-oriented activities. They are also likely to become famous through the affiliation of good character and likeable by others.
  • The third pada of the Dhanishta Nakshatra is a pada of longevity, pleasant qualities, and astrologers. They are well-known and admired and enjoy everything in life. They possess success and sageness. They work in every field, are affluent, devout, and accompanied by numerous relatives.

Fourth Pada of Dhanishta Nakshatra:

  • Dhanishta Nakshatra’s fourth pada is ruled by the Scorpio Navamsa (Governed by Mars).
  • The native born under the fourth pada of the Dhanishta Nakshatra will be driven by ambition, success, and strong curiosity.
  • The fourth pada of the Dhanishta Nakshatra is characterised by brutality, constant rage, and dubious means of gain. They talk a lot, work in dishonest positions, and have a variety of illnesses. They are brilliant con artists who lack family, engage in gaming, pursue other women, and are foolish but daring.

Sun’s Ingress for Dhanishta Nakshatra (February 6–February 18)

  • In Dhanishtha Nakshathra from February 6 to February 18, the sun is present.
  • Your Sun is in Dhanishtha Nakshathra if you were born at this time.
  • During this time, Guru Prathipadha is observed. Shree Nrusivha Saraswathi Maharaj transitioned out of the physical body on Guru Prathipadha, the manifestation of Lord Dhatthathreya.

Dhanishta’s Tree: Shami

  • The Shami, Benny, or Prosopis Cineraria tree is the tree for the Dhanishtha Nakshatra.
  • In the Hindu religion, Shami is extremely important.
  • Shami means the one who eliminates.
  • Before entering battle, Hindu warriors used to pray to Shami.
  • It is worshipped for power and victory.
  • It is customary to worship the Shami tree on Vijayadashami or Dhasera.
  • Ganesha receives offerings of shami leaves.

Shami applications

  • For oral gargling in mouth ulcers, use bark decoction.
  • Dysentery, diarrhoea, and joint discomfort can all be treated with bark powder.
  • The decoction of leaves is used to treat itching.
  • Blood diseases like piles and bleeding gums can be effectively treated with bark paste.
  • It is effective to stop abortions with flower paste.

Information on Dhanishta Nakshatra’s astronomy

The majority of astronomers concur that Sualocin or Alpha Delphini is Yogathara of Dhanishtha.
It is made up of two stars. It is a blue-white star that has been identified as being extremely hot.

Astrology’s Dhanishta Nakshatra Compatibility

Capricorn (Makar) Rashi and Dhanishta Nakshatra Sign Compatibility for the Bride or the Groom

Aquarius and Libra

Rashi compatibility between the bride or groom and the sign of Aquarius (Kumbha)

Capricorn, Libra, Virgo, and Taurus

Factors that Make Dhanishta Nakshatra Compatible

  • Nadi: Middle or from Madhya.
  • Daemon or rakshasa, according to nature.
  • Lion or Simha is the Yoni (animal symbol).
  • Wealth is the outcome of Dhanishta Nakshathra’s new clothing.
  • Dhanishta Nakshathra’s first period left her affluent, prosperous, content, dedicated to her responsibilities, and enjoying the company of her children and grandchildren.
  • Gains are the outcome of practising shraddha on Dhanishta Nakshathra.
  • Wearing new clothing and jewellery, learning to ride a horse or car, travelling, planting trees and crops, washing expensive clothing for the first time, purchasing a new vehicle, sewing clothes, learning to dance, making financial investments, ploughing, sowing seeds, and moving into a new home are all positive activities to do on Dhanishta.
  • Beneficial savskara or ceremonies on Dhanishta include: naming, piercing, first solid feeding to a baby, first shave of a baby, haircut, shave, intercourse for offspring, beginning a new subject of study, threading ceremony, Anugraha, or Deeksha.

Dhanishtha Nakshatra remedies

  • Having a musical instrument in the house, such as drums, a tabla, or a flute, is the best cure for Dhanishtha locals.
  • These musical accessories must function as actual instruments and cannot just be for show.
  • A musical instrument in the house will bring prosperity and rhythm to life.
  • The most crucial solution is to never make a commitment or give someone your word unless you can completely keep it.
  • Don’t just say, “I’ll take care of that for you,” and walk away. You must keep that vow in some form or another during this lifetime.
  • Do keep in mind that when you keep a promise, you pay the biggest debts in your karmic web of life. As a result, start with minor pledges rather than making rash promises like “you’re the only one I’ll marry, etc., or will give you a promotion.”
FeedSplit Lentil or Dal
DonateStaple Food
Vedic SookthamAshwini Sooktham, Oshadhi Sooktham, Aarogya Sooktham

Dhanishtha Nakshatra’s Characteristics

As a chara nakshatra, Dhanishtha is most effective when something demands mobility, such as moving from one house to another, buying land, sending something out for delivery, transferring offices, or organising or acquiring furniture for your home.

Dhanishtha Nakshatra’s caste

  • The servant caste is the Dhanishta Nakshatra. These people serve only the highest ideals of dharma and truth.
  • They are doctors, boxers, warriors, and soldiers who are fighting the good fight for a variety of deeper reasons.
  • It is evident that many well-known boxers experienced childhood maltreatment and bullying at the hands of other children.
  • They believe that by being the finest boxers, they are inspiring other young people who might be afraid to venture outside for fear of being hassled.
  • Whatever their dharma may be, Dhanishtha is there to serve it.
  • For the lineage and their unadulterated bodily presence, they must battle.
  • They are a total hindrance to the human body and are aware of what the purpose of the human body is, which is defence and service.

Dhanishtha Nakshatra’s sound

  • The sound of the nakshatra, Gaa- pada 1, Gee- pada 2, Gu- pada 3, and Gay- pada 4, is very significant.
  • Everything we do, say, buy, wear, and drive carries a brand label.
  • To determine where the sign of Capricorn/Aquarius is located in one’s chart, one needs have an accurate time of birth and look at the Dhanishtha Nakshatra.
  • If someone has a Leo ascendant, their sixth house will be Capricorn and their seventh house will be Aquarius. Using names or brands that begin with these sounds will be advantageous for marriage, business, fame, paying off debts, handling adversaries, illnesses, and legal matters.
  • A person should pay attention to these sounds depending on the pada and the issue.

Dhanishta Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology Synopsis

Dasha RulerVenus
SymbolA musical drum
DeityThe Vasus (8 deities associated with wealth and beneficial qualities)
RulershipMen without pride, eunuchs, fast friends, men who are hated by women, charitable people, the very wealthy, peaceful and self-controlled people.
Moon in DhanishtaThe native is charitable, wealthy, heroic, fond of songs, and desirous to make money.
NatureChara (movable)
PurusharthDharma or religion
Work ProfileService providers, community helpers

Questions and Answers

What Makes Dhanishtha Nakshatra Unique?

As a chara nakshatra, Dhanishtha is most effective when something requires movement, such as moving from one house to another, buying land, sending something out for delivery, moving offices, or arranging or purchasing furniture for your home.

Dhanishtha Nakshatra belongs to which Rashi?

Aquarius and Capricorn

Who is the Dhanishtha Nakshatra’s Lord?


Who is Dhanishtha Nakshatra’s Deity?


What does Dhanishtha Nakshatra’s symbol represent?

Flute & Drum

What is the Dhanishtha Nakshatra’s Gana?

Rakshasa (Demon) (Demon)

What Qualities Does Dhanishtha Nakshatra Possess?

Chara (Moveable) (Moveable)

What Caste Does Dhanishtha Nakshatra Belong To?


What animal represents the Dhanishtha Nakshatra?

Woman Lion

What exactly is the Dhanishtha Nakshatra Bird?


What exactly is the Dhanishtha Nakshatra Tree?

Mesquite of India

What are the initials of the Dhanishtha Nakshatra?

Gee, Gu, Gay, Gaa