Nakshatras in Astrology

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra in Astrology: Features, Padas, and Remedies

In astrology, Utthara and Phalguni make up the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. Phalguni means minute or little, and Uttara signifies later. Utthara Phalguni so refers to the time following the tiny or after the tiny (infant) has passed. This is a sign that the baby’s size starts to change dramatically after this point. Utthara is another name for Utthara Phalguni. One of the Adhomukhi Nakshatras in astrology is the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra (or the Nakshatras which have their mouths downwards). Tanks, wells, temples, mining, digging, etc. can all be started and completed in these Nakshatras with good fortune.

Couch as a symbol

A couch serves as the Utthara Phalguni Nakshatra’s symbol. According to the symbol, the baby is now in a more cosy position. The bed’s back legs serve as another another representation of Utthara. This signifies that the baby’s hands and fingers will continue to develop. According to legend, Lord Shiva wedded during this Nakshatra.

The Aryama is a deity

One of the Adhithya is Aryama. The word “companion” is aryama. Yajurveda claims that Aryama is the giver. I am the wind, Aryama. Varuna, Mithra, and Aryama are frequently referenced together in the Rigveda. He has also been prayed for a harmonious marriage. A Pithara or ancestral deity is called Aryama. Aryama is another name for Pithara’s companion. He is known as the “God of Unions” and “Contacts.”

Range133⁰ 20” – 146⁰ 40”
RashiLeo (Simha) – Virgo (Kanya)
YogatharaDenebola or Beta Leonis
Apparent Magnitude2.14
Latitude+12⁰ 16” 2’
Longitude147⁰ 45” 39’
Right ascension11h 48m 48.3s
Declination+14⁰ 36”

Astrological characteristics of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra

  • The bull is the symbol for the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.
  • Natives of Uttara Phalguni live the lives of bulls. They just navigate around any impediments in their path without getting hurt, and even if they do, it won’t stop them from moving on.
  • They strive for the greatest success in their careers, which makes them very manly.
  • Bulls are not cows; they are more muscular, have thicker bones, and have enormous feet, which are characteristics of locals with the ascendant Uttara Phalguni or when planet clusters are situated in this.
  • One of the main associations with bulls is that people either adore visiting locations or eating establishments with the symbolism of this animal, such Buffalo wild wings, even though the animal is actually called a buffalo, or they love sports teams with bull logos, like the Chicago bulls.
  • Bulls are renowned for having a high level of aggression and rivalry.
  • To get control of the cow and anyone who approaches their herd, they will slaughter.
  • Due to their heavenly connection to Shiva, they are also permitted to freely roam the streets of India.
  • The bull, Nandi, serves as Lord Shiva’s vahana (vehicle) and gatekeeper. Shiva and Parvati taught Nandi several top-secret tantric techniques because he was a devoted follower.
  • Natives of Uttara Phalguni are highly renowned for their interest in astrology, the Vedas, and as talented authors.
  • When trying to locate the head for Lord Ganesha, Nandi was so strong that it overcame Indra and his army.
  • As a result, Lord Shiva grants these locals the blessing of having a very prosperous life.
  • Since Nandi provides the music for Shiva’s tandava dance, Uttara Phalguni inhabitants are also likely to be talented or enthusiastic about music, dancing, and yoga.
  • Additionally, the Uttara Phalguni locals’ inherent strength drives them to drastically alter the world around them.
  • Aryaman, the god of patronage and unification and the foremost of the ancestors, is the deity of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.
  • He and Bhaga are commonly invoked simultaneously. Aryaman serves as the protector of the holy laws.
  • Aryaman is thought to be particularly associated with marriages. According to legend, Shiva and Parvati were wed during this Nakshatra.
  • The bull is related to this Nakshatra. A well-known bull in Indian mythology is named Nandi.
  • Shiva has a mount called Nandi. According to legend, one must first whisper a prayer into Nandi’s ear before offering it to Shiva.
  • Given that Ganesha is a literal translation of the phrase “a leader among the Ganas” (Gana + Isha = Ganesha), Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra also has a relation to Lord Ganesha. Ganesh Chaturthi often occurs when the Sun is close to the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.
  • The legendary warrior Arjuna is known as the Phalguni and is said to have been born during this Nakshatra.
  • Given that Shiva is supposed to have married Parvati during the Moon’s passage over the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, one of the star’s key themes is marriage.
  • While someone marries on such a day or when a significant planet, such as Venus, the 7th lord, Darakaraka, or Atmakaraka, is in this Nakshatra, the native is always in it for the long haul.
  • Marriage and commitment are the two things in life that matter most to these locals.
  • Marriage is a legal contract as well, therefore people in this situation will constantly have to deal with contracts, negotiations, and abiding by the law.
  • Because of this, they make the best astrologers, lawyers, and human resources specialists.
  • The bed’s or platform’s back legs serve as this Nakshatra’s symbol. This once more represents the enjoyment of bed and the enjoyment of being “the One” or “the chosen one.”
  • Compared to Purva Phalgunis, Uttara Phalgunis seem to be more sexual. Similar to Purva, the Uttara Phlaguni always come into contact with those associated with the adult film industry, either as a lover, friend, or customer.
  • The native may serve as either an accountant for a porn star or a lawyer for a client from the adult film industry.
  • The platform, on the other hand, represents a position of authority.
  • Politicians, professors, performers on stage, or wise men and women on stages all have some sort of platform on which they stand.
  • No matter what planet is in this Nakshatra, the native must stand on a stage and carry out their obligations when that planet’s time cycle is over.
  • Numerous politicians and celebrities have the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra in their birth charts, including Donald J. Trump, whose navamsa chart places Rahu in this constellation.
  • If Uttara Phalguni is genuine entertainment and Purva Phalguni is fiction entertainment, then one represents motion pictures and the other documents.
  • Documentaries become an obsession for locals of Uttara Phalguni starting in their mid-30s.
  • These indigenous also carry the financial karma of their fathers. They either forfeit their father’s inheritance or they distribute it.
  • To inherit their father’s fortune, they could even need to engage in combat.
  • This is demonstrated by the tale of the bhootaganas, a legion of demons sent to Ganesha by Shiva when he was watching over his mother, Parvati.
  • Shiva removed Ganesha’s head since none of the bhootganas could stand up to his might; however, Parvati reprimanded Shiva and reminded him that she was the one who formed the lad from the Earth, and that he was simply carrying out his mother’s instructions.
  • Shiva then replaced his head with a gana, an animal without bones, not an elephant.
  • Ganesha turned off his father’s money since he was able to accumulate his own wealth.
  • Natives of Uttara Phalguni are closely associated with Ganesha because they are talented authors who enjoy travelling to exotic locations on their enormous rats, just like Ganesha did. Ganesha was also a very successful businessman.
  • Spread from 10’00” degree Virgo to 26’40” degree Leo (Simha) (Kanya).
  • The pairs of Lords, Poorva Falguni and Uttara Falguni, are Ravi and Budha.
  • Its characteristics are very similar to those of Poorva Phalguni.
  • The only difference is that this star is more overt in its generosity, friendliness, patronage, and readiness to assist those in need, as well as friends, family members, and those who ask for assistance.

In a Vedic astrology treatise, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is described.

  • According to Hora Sara, if Uttara Phalguni is a person’s birth Nakshatra, he or she will have many wives, be well liked by his or her spouse(s), be fortunate, lead men, be knowledgeable, have income from the sovereign, enjoy luxury, and speak frequently.
  • According to Jataka Parijata, a person will be brilliant, sensuous, and have a high sense of honour if they are born under the star Uttara Phalguni, or when the Moon is in that asterism.
  • The native born in Uttara Phalguni will be a poet, knowledgeable in the arts, appreciative of truth, and a scholar, according to Sage Narada. They will also have conquered enemies, be cheerful, enjoy pleasures, and be passionate about relationships with women.
  • The native born beneath the star Uttara Phalguni will be highly well-liked, will get money via his education, and will be sensuous and content, according to the Brihat Samhita.

Description of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Pada

First Pada of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra:

  • Sagittarius rules the first pada of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra (Governed by Jupiter).
  • People born under the first pada of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra use their creativity to serve society, aspire to be true leaders, serve others for their benefit, give voice to the voiceless, acquire education, knowledge, and wisdom, become famous for what they have learned, teach others by sharing their knowledge, study and spread philosophies to benefit society, become well-known for philosophies incorporated into law, and use the law to uphold society.
  • It is banned for fathers to see their children until the end of the first two months after birth because those born in the first pada of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra pose a threat to them.
  • The first pada of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is associated with people who are hard workers, proud, secret-keepers, attractive, and the most significant member of their clan. They are docile, joyful, and intelligent and can enthral ladies with ease.

Second Pada of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra:

  • Capricorn rules the 2nd Pada of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra (Governed by Saturn).
  • The second pada of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is characterised by practical, hard-working, disciplined people who need status and approval, aspire to an authoritative position, serve others, manage projects, have administrative skills, want to bring about change with an authoritative position, and build new structures through their work.
  • People born under the second pada of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra tend to be poor, impulsive, cruel, and stubborn. They may also be interested in stealing other people’s money, praising themselves, and disliking other people.

Third Pada of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra:

  • Aquarius rules the 3rd Pada of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra (Governed by Saturn).
  • People born under the third pada of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra have keen minds, are innovative, progressive, and scientific. They are also fascinated in technology and work to develop ideas that will change the world in the future.
  • The third pada of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is associated with people who are proud, irritable, depressed, jealous, and skilled in trade and business. These people also cause trouble for others and destroy property.

Fourth Pada of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra:

  • Pisces rules the 4th Pada of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra (Governed by Jupiter).
  • People born under the fourth pada of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra are morally upright, upbeat, law-abiding, kind to all people, wise, intelligent, have intellectual prowess combined with spiritual vitality, and have the potential to be astrologers and healers.
  • The fourth pada of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is associated with wit, religion, popularity, learning of the shastras, and assistance for family members.

Sun’s Ingress for Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra (September 13–September 25)

  • On September 13, the Sun enters Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, where it remains until September 25. During this time, if you were born, your Sun would be in Uttha Phalguni Nakshatra.
  • The deity for Utthara is Aryama.
  • This time period, also known as Pithru Paksha, is when Mahalaya Shraddha, or worship for the well-being of ancestors, is conducted since Aryama is friends with Pithara.

Uttara Phalguni Tree: Aksha

  • The tree for Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is either Terminalia bellirica, Vibhithaki, or Aksha.
  • Out of the three fruits in Triphala, this is one. The term “vibhithaki” refers to a person who eliminates fear of illness.
  • Kanya contains a portion of Utthara Phalguni Nakshathra. Sixth Rashi is Virgo (Kanya).
  • Indicators of diseases are found in the sixth house. Similar to the fifth house, the sixth house also represents the belly, hence ailments of the abdomen should respond well to the sixth house tree.

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Astrological Data

  • Yogathara of Utthara is Beta Leonis or Denebola.
  • It is situated on the lion’s tail. It’s a star that’s still fairly new.
  • It has an oblate form as a result of its rapid rotation.
  • It is surrounded by a cool dust disc of particles. As a result, it might host extrasolar planets.
  • It is a white star that is thought to be hotter than the typical star.

Compatibility of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra in Astrology

Simha Rashi and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra sign compatibility for the bride or groom

Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, Taurus

Virgo (Kanya) Rashi and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Bride compatibility by signs

Aries, Libra, Leo, Cancer, Gemini

Sign compatibility between the groom’s Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra and the Virgo (Kanya) Rashi

Leo, Libra, Leo, Taurus

Factors that Make Upura Phalguni Nakshatra Compatible

  • Nadi: First or Aadhya.
  • Manushya, or the human, is Gana (Nature).
  • Animal Yoni: Gau, the cow.
  • Gains in monitoring occur when wearing new clothing during Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.
  • First period on Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra results in: Possibly more than one child, devout, sociable, and proud of their parents.
  • Many virtues are the result of practising shraddha during the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.
  • Positive karma on Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra: wearing new clothing and jewellery, planting seeds, starting construction, saying prayers, marketing, learning to dance, digging a well or a borewell, and entering a new property are all examples of new behaviours.
  • On the day of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, the following savskara or rituals are beneficial: naming, first solid feeding of the infant, piercing, haircut, first shave of the baby, introducing letters to the baby, beginning a new course of study, threading ceremony, Anugraha, or Deeksha.

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra remedies

  • Being on a stage or platform in life, whether it be giving speeches on a platform or being a media personality, will assist enhance the status of people from Uttara Phalguni.
  • The bull Nandi, which will aid them in their labour and business, is the other solution. Nandi should always be kept facing southwest (SW) of their residence.
  • Place it in the SW corner of your office or home office if there is nowhere else to put it in that direction.
  • In terms of bed, the final cure is exactly that of Purva Phalguni Nakshatra. The headboard for the indigenous must be robust and strong, with no cracks in the legs.
  • Never purchase a used bed from another person since their karma is imprinted on it and is transferable.
VrathamSarvapithri Amavasya, Shradh
Vedic SookthamShanthi Mantra and Shanthi Pathaha

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra’s characteristics

  • A sthira Nakshatra is Uttara Phalguni. This indicates that any tasks that one intends to do on a long-term basis should be completed on this specific Moon day.
  • The ideal scenario would be a wedding, business startup, etc.

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra’s caste

  • This Nakshatra belongs to the warrior caste.
  • Although Uttara Phalguni is not a Nakshatra that typically makes one feel like a warrior, the locals do.
  • The bull is a combatant, as demonstrated by several cultures around the world, including Italian culture.
  • These locals will use all means necessary to achieve their objectives.
  • They turn into the proverbial “bull in a china shop,” destroying and smashing everything in their path.

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra’s sound

  • The sound of the nakshatra, Tay- pada1, Toh- pada2, Paa- pada3, and Pee- pada4, is very significant.
  • Everything we do, say, buy, wear, and drive carries a brand label.
  • To determine where the sign of Leo/Virgo is positioned, one must look at their chart with an accurate time of birth and determine where the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is.
  • When employing such brands or names that start with such sounds, it would be advantageous for travel, communication, sales, marketing, comfort, fixed assets, and the enjoyment of home. If someone is a Gemini ascendant, then the third house would be Leo, and the fourth house would be Virgo.

Summary of the Vedic Astrology Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra

Dasha RulerSun
SymbolA royal throne room
DeityAryaman (one of the Adityas)
RulershipKind-hearted persons, those pure in conduct, modest, heretics, charitable persons and the learned, very rich people, and those who are devoted to their duties, kings.
Moon in Uttara PhalguniThe native is beautiful and lovely, earns money by his literary merits, will be happy and an enjoyer of the senses.
NatureDhruva (fixed)

Questions and Answers

What Makes Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Special?

A sthira nakshatra is Uttara Phalguni. This indicates that you should perform any tasks you want to last for a long time on this specific Moon day. The ideal scenario would be something like a wedding or the start of a business, for example.

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra falls under which Rashi?

Virgo and Leo

Who is Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra’s Lord?


Who is Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra’s Deity?


What does the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra’s symbol represent?

Platform bed’s back legs

What does Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra’s Gana represent?

Manushya (Human) (Human)

What Qualities Does the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Possess?

Dhruva (Fixed) (Fixed)

What Caste Does the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Belong To?

Kshatriya (Warrior) (Warrior)

What is the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra’s animal?

male calf or bull

The Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra’s Bird is what?


What is Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra’s Tree?

Laurel, Rose

What does Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra’s initial stand for?

Toh, Tay, Paa, and Pee